Monday, February 25, 2008

February 25th

Woke up at 2am to Jay barfing in his room. Then for the next 12 hours he threw up consistently and repeatedly. Then, dad brought Sierra home and she has a fever. I really hope she's not going to throw up. Then Yui came home with a major tooth ache. It looks like both your sibs and your Japanese exchange student will be staying home from school tomorrow. Can't wait to read your journal... you've had some interesting challenges that will undoubtedly help you grow. It's an adventure. Miss you so much and can't wait to send dad off to see you. (I'm jealous but happy that at least one of your parents will get to hang with you in your new country.) xoxoxoxoxox

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow that totally sucks about everyone being sick. Well, not everyone - dont let it become everyone! Get better, Jay Sierra and Yui. How is Misty?
Ive become very fond of the word "adventure". Today was crazy with the Telemundo reporters. A bunch of construction guys showed up to build the modulos despite the fact theyre not getting paid and Walter was being all responsible, just because tv reporters were going to be there. My answers to the interview questions ranged from the reporter looking at me like, "...what?" to pretty articulate answers about why Im not in college like a normal person. I dont know. What I forgot to mention on the blog is that the report is going to air in a couple months, since theyre travelling thru all Peru, but other than that i know nothing. it will probably be a long, documentary-type report about volunteering instead of doing the American idea of a vacation. I got the emails of both the reporters so they will let me know how (if) I can watch the result - im guessing a link to a page of their website since i know none of my friends or family have Telemundo. It was pretty fun! Also I FOUND PEANUT BUTTER TODAY!! it was the last jar in a far-off "super"market but its mine now mwahahahahaa! mom i will send you a text tonight since i got to talk to dad last night. :-)
i love you guys
i love you guys
i love you guys
and i love you guys