Thursday, February 21, 2008

February 21st

I spent the day working on the new locks for the car, the autopayments for many of our household items, and other ramifications of the loss of my stuff. I did some minor yard work and hosed the sidewalks, folded laundry and did some clean up and other household chores. I made a quick stop at Koko Head school to pick up some paperwork and took Misty for a short walk. Sisi had ballet after school and then dad took her and Jay home early. I had my Elements of Movement class and then coached water polo. Sitting in traffic on the way home. Dad made pizza and asparagus for dinner. Been thinking about you a lot and hope you got that money thing sorted out. It's LOST night and Jay watched it already but I'm a week behind so I'm going to wait to watch it in order. LOOOOVVVVVEE You!

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