Saturday, February 23, 2008

February 23rd

It's been two years to the day since you got your license and we got our van. It's my friend Jocelyn's birthday-- that's how I remember. Dad went to the North Shore for a dawn patrol and after walking Misty and doing a little work around the house/yard, I took Sierra to ceramics. She glazed some of her things that she'd made last time. I made some tiles that I'm going to try to use to make the mosaic. We ate lunch and napped and read books and the newspaper in the afternoon and then took a trip to the Oahu Club for a swim and hot tub. Jay rode his bike to Koko Marina to hang out and eat and he's supposed to be getting a hair cut. I don't know if he did that. He's on his way home on his bike right now. I'm going to watch the boys h.s. basketball champs-- maybe on the downstairs T.V. because dad and Sierra are watching Wallace and Gromet right now on the upstairs t.v. Got your text about your swim and your telemundo thingy. How much is 5 soles? Did you go to the sand sliding? Punahou swept the boys and girls High School swimming championships today-- they blew away the competition. Here's a link to the results:

Love, love, love you!!xoxoxoxoxo

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