Sunday, March 30, 2008

March 27-30th

Our last few days of spring break have been fun and slow. Sisi and I have taken a lot of trips to the pool and watched a lot of "Princess" movies, ie. Princess Bride, Princess Diaries 2, and also watched the original Freaky Friday and the new "The Last Mimzy." Sierra had a play date with her good friend Emma and we had dinner at the Crowell's with the UCLA water polo team. UCLA beat UH 9-5 but it was a pretty good game. UCLA is undefeated and have won the last 3 national championships. They're good. It's Sunday afternoon and dad and Sierra are napping. He just got home. We're really lucky that he got on the flight last night. It was sketchy for awhile there. He's got his 500 photos loaded onto this (your)computer already and they're AWESOME. I can't believe Macchu Picchu. I just looks stunning. I'm so bummed that you got sick. Do you know what happened? Are you okay now? I'm really excited for you to have a great adventure in the rainforest. I'm hoping you'll get a chance to write on your blog soon and I'm REALLY hoping that you're healthy. We pick Jay up in a couple of hours and we all go back to school tomorrow. Miss you so much and it looks like you had the most amazing trip with dad!!! Loove yooooou!

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