Wednesday, March 5, 2008

March 5th

I started my day coaching masters swimming at the from 6-7am and then played in the traffic to get to Punahou. Dad and Sierra went to breakfast while Jay slept in the car because his first class was 9:30am. After school I went back to to coach while Jay went to the weight room and Sisi had Elements and then after school care. Dad went to the N.Shore to see John and catch some waves. We've just come home and we're having chili and rice for dinner. I talked to Cathy Goto and she said to say hi. Where are you? Where are you going? How long will you be there? Miss you and I'm a worried mom. I want you to have adventures, but I want you to avoid danger and stay safe.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello! I am in Nasca getting ready for an unusual night because instead of staying in a hotel or hostal i am riding in a bus all night. Heres a general summary of my plan:
night of March 5: Nasca, with Nasca Lines hostal (and touring Cahuachi)
night of March 6: travelling in bus to Arequipa (already paid for the ticket, will be at the bus station at 9:00pm)
night of March 7: Arequipa, either in the Casa de Melgar, well-located recommended by my guidebook $20 a night, or Pachamama far from center but recommended by Nasca Tours staff seems nice
night of March 8: Arequipa, exploring the city, etc, hopefully in same hotel or hostal

from then i dont have exact dates but i do have locations:
bus to Tacna, probably spend one night there
bus across the border to Arica in Chile
bus south to Iquique and perhaps swim in ocean!
bus northward again, cross border back into Tacna
i hope to spend a total of three nights in Chile, or two nights and three days.
bus back up to Arequipa, pick up luggage i have left at either Haydees relatives or hostal I trust.
Bus (with all my things) to Puno, one night in Puno to check out Lake Titicaca culture etc.
Bus north to Juliaca where it is easy to bus to...
...Cusco! I hope to get there on March 18th, 19th if I really enjoy Chile/Lake Titicaca and want to spend an extra night. Once in Cusco I take a breather and stay either at a hotel my guidebook recommends or the one dad and I will be staying at (i have that info somewhere)
I am very excited for all this travelling, and I think i can realistically limit my days to an average of US$40. Tours are the most expensive thing, and theyre really not even that much. SO i will be leaving Nasca at 10:00 tonight and will hopefully get some sleep on the bus so that I can get to the hotel in Arequipa. I am quite well, quite safe, and have worked out my luggage brilliantly in terms of keeping everything safe.

LOOOOVE you guys, will text tomorrow morning when I arrive in Arequipa safely. :)