Wednesday, November 7, 2007

November 7th

Normal work day with the whole family coming home right at 3pm so I could coach at the Club. Dad went surfing and Jay rode his bike to get a haircut and make a deposit at the bank. Sierra and I went to the gas station to vacuum the car and then to Costco to get a birthday present for her friend Dylen who is having a birthday party on Sunday. There's a writer's strike in Hollywood so there's no John Stewart or Colbert so I'm hoping we can find some SCRUBS...... haven't seen any new stuff yet but I think it's out there. LOVE YOU!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

writers strike?? like a nation wide movement to stop writing for movies and tv shows until writers get more pay or something? totally weird. and by the way, I have seen the new Scrubs episode, on YouTube. it was poor quality and it may not have been the entire episode. it made me laugh because im kind of starved for Scrubs but the humor is not anything like it was...
this weekend we are spending a night or two at a beach to the south called Manzanillera or something, Im just gearing up (literally) for leaving next week. very excited!

still loving and missing you guys!
:D :P :)